

Corporate Social Investment

For South Africa to thrive, we all need to contribute in some meaningful way. Sizwe Africa IT Group is committed to the upliftment of underprivileged communities, particularly in areas where we have a presence.

Through strategic partnerships with like-minded organisations we are able to implement Corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiatives that leave a lasting legacy. Our CSI projects contribute towards educational initiatives, encourage job creation and support community development.

At Sizwe Africa IT Group, we believe education and entrepreneurship are key to our country’s success. And, as a leading ICT provider, we place a strong focus on technology-enabled education as part of our CSI.

By bridging this digital divide, we’re able to address the socio-economic gap and create opportunities for real employment in the 4IR. This is because our investment in inclusive education drives the much-needed skills development in the ICT industry.


Focus Areas

CSI is at the heart of what Sizwe aspires to achieve in the communities in which we operate. It is a fundamental part of who we are and what we stand for as a company. Our CSI initiatives are aligned with our goals of positively impacting communities for a better future. Our focus areas include:



Our schools cannot be left behind in the 4IR, but the reality is that many schools lack the required funding to meet even the most basic needs of students. Sizwe is here to bridge the divide and include schools in the digital transformation. That’s why we’re involved in providing connectivity to low- and no-fee schools in both urban and rural locations.

ICT Infrastructure

Connectivity at schools has no value if it is not accompanied by the necessary ICT infrastructure. In addition to connectivity at schools, Sizwe also provides the required communications’ devices at our adopted schools around South Africa.

e-Learning Software

The digital age has completely revolutionised the education sector with a wealth of information available with the click of a button. To give our youth the best chance of succeeding, Sizwe and its partner organisations have installed quality e-learning software alongside ICT infrastructure and connectivity at adopted schools.

Training & Support

We want to ensure all the sponsored equipment and technology is fully maximized at our adopted schools. That’s why our team of professionals provides teachers with ongoing training and support in the use of technology and e-learning software. This benefits the students with enhanced education, and the teachers with valuable skills’ development.

School Shoes Kits

Every single student at our adopted schools also benefits from the donation of school shoes kits. Every kit includes a pair of new school shoes, a tin of shoe polish and a shoe brush. We believe it’s important that our children are able to attend school with dignity, no matter their background.


We support initiatives that empower women and youth entrepreneurs in ICT so they’re ready to exploit opportunities in the fastest growing industry. To expand the reach of our CSI programmes, we partner with key organisations that share our vision of accelerating ICT throughout South Africa.

One partner is POPUP (People Upliftment Programme), an organisation committed to uplifting underprivileged communities through its skills’ training and development centre. POPUP has developed programmes for holistic individual care covering mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Through our partnership with POPUP, we aim to:

Reduce unemployment and poverty.
Reduce unemployment and poverty.

Create resilient and self-sufficient communities.
Create resilient and self-sufficient communities.

Increase digital literacy.
Increase digital literacy.

Provide skills’ development through ICT, a Smart Centre, and work-readiness programs.
Provide skills’ development through ICT, a Smart Centre, and work-readiness programs.